On an absolutely beautiful fall Sunday, more reminiscent of late August than mid-October, the team once again took up their post three miles from the finish of the Dempsey Challenge bike route. The Cheer Station that was such a big hit last fall torqued it up another notch this year, with some pre-planned cheers and decorated by our fancy new sign (thanks to the Newtons!)

While Suzy and I were out on the course, we kept the team apprised of a certain individual's whereabouts. After trying to hang with the group of women that included Connie Carpenter-Phinney,who won 12 national titles and four world championship medals as well as gold in the 1984 Olympics, Odessa Gunn former professional rider and Levi Leipheimer's wife, as well as Coryn Rivera and Kristin McGrath of the Peanut Butter & Co. TWENTY12 women’s professional cycling team(which we did for a few miles), we had stopped at the second rest stop to hydrate and refuel.
While we are there, a number of lead vehicles came through followed by a group of riders that included 2008 Olympic bronze medalist Levi Leiphiemer, Tom Danielson the top-ranked American rider at the 2011 Tour de France, Davis Phinney who claimed the first victory by an American in a Tour de France stage and won bronze in the 1984 Olympics among others! Who could be in the "others" category you may ask? Well, perhaps the most famous Lewiston area native, one fabulously (mc)dreamy Patrick Dempsey. Granted, I do not have a lot of experience with t.v. and movie stars but I will say that this man is special. Not only due to the fact that he established The Patrick Dempsey Center for Cancer Hope and Healing in honor of his mother who is a survivor- which should be enough, but watching him navigate the crowds of admiring fans. He seemed to have time for everyone, a photo op, an autograph and handshake and always making eye contact with everyone he spoke to. I wanted to ask him if he would please stop at mile 47 and as I approached he broke into a big smile and exclaimed,"Bates! Your team is out here somewhere." "Well, yes, yes they are and if you could stop at their Cheer station, it would mean the world to them" I managed and then Suzy and I did the requisite photo with him...the first in my adult life where my eyes are closed...awesome. Anyway, I sent a photo to the team to let them know where he was and we got back on our bikes.
Fast forward 20 miles and Suzy and I arrive at mile marker 47- The Bobcat Zone.

We know that based on his pace, Patrick is at least an hour behind us, and I am not sure that we are going to wait to see if he stops. But of course we do, wrapped up in watching the team cheer on the bikers coming through and equally enamored of the bikers reactions to being cheered for.