Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hola from Buenos Aires,

Upon arriving at Logan Airport yesterday at approximately 12:40 PM, we were all quite distraught about the weight of our checked luggage. After shifting items between bags to ensure that all weighed in under the hefty 50lbs, we lined up to check in to our flight. The first half of the team passed the weight test successfully, however, Kelly McManus failed the bag test. Fearing that she would have to pay extra for her 57lb bag, Kelly looked around desperately for an excuse. To her luck, she noticed the perky flight check-in lady had her foot, and apparently some of her weight on the bag scale. Nice try.
The flight to Atlanta was mostly uneventful, except the fact that the plane accelerated into the landing, which made things interesting.
Atlanta airport, full of gourmet meal options, provided us with a large, yet healthy "first" dinner. Little did we know that we would indulge in a second dinner on the plane... either saran wrapped chicken or cold and moist pasta. How scrumptious. As budding athletes about to bloom into season, 2 dinners was essential to our strength and core building, and of course our physical appearance. 10lbs heavier, we were all ready to sit and watch the Oscar nominated ¨"17 Again", featuring Lindsay Thompson´s celebrity crush, Zac Efron. However, the looks and charm of Zac could not keep a majority of the team from entering a deep "food coma" or sleep.
Things were going well and everyone seemed in a nice slumber, when at 2am Delta Airlines decided to play "Star Trek". When watching this film at home at a decent distance from your television, you probably won´t notice the very severe flashes of light during most scenes. However, on the airplane TV, the lights were extremely vibrant and woke most of the team from their deep sleep. Some resulted to wrapping their blankets around their heads, leaving small gaps for their nose and mouth, but no one came more prepared than Wynn and Suzy, who brought eye masks to literally mask the light emitting from the television.
Breakfast included of a soggy version of an egg mcmuffin. We all left the plane, now 12lbs heavier.
We landed in Buenos Aires and walked onto the 40 degree ramp. We were greeted by our tourguide, Gerry, who taught us how to exchange dollars to pesos. The exchange rate, in favor of the dollar, made us all feel as though we had more "money in the bank". We sat through rush hour traffic, which is at about 9-10am here (must be nice to be able to get up that late for work). After an hour and a half we finally pulled up next to our hotel, where we met former teammate Rachel Greenwood´s sister, Liz Greenwood, and Sammy, who spent her spring semester in Argentina. After Sammy pounced on and wrestled Zoe in the lobby, which made Wynn kind of nervous considering that we have 2 subs, we checked in and got our roommate assignment. Luckily our rooms were ready so we got to shower before taking our tour.
We then left our rooms to find a quick bite to eat. Sammy took us all to one of her favorite places where she ordered all of us pizzas in perfect spanish. After another meal, we boarded our double decker bus for a tour of Buenos Aires. Our first stop was at the 3rd most famous cemetary in the world. It caught many of us by surprise because we had know idea we were about to enter such a beautiful and unique place. The tomb stones were incredible and decorated with detailed sculptures and engravings. We were fortunate to see the tomb of the famous Evita of Argentina. Our next stop was in the center of Buenos Aires where we walked around and looked at the beautiful architecture. Some went and visited the insideof the city´s famous chapels. We then ventured back for the hotel to take naps and get ready for dinner. Dinner was amazing. We ate at a steak house where we each received enormous steaks for our meal! Flan was served for desert and Jenna was especially intrigued by its ability to jiggle.

Now some of us are asleep, up in our rooms, or chillen down (Jenna and Lindsay). A few teammates are going to witness and perhaps participate in Tango dancing later on tonight!

We have a clinic tomorrow and then a game at night so wish us luck!!

We´ll be updating you very soon.

Hasta Luego!

Jenna y Lindsay estan my consada y tenemos que ir al sus camas y domimos hasta la manana.


Lindsay T and Jenna D


Kevin McHugh said...

Thanks for the update and not to be pushy but will you be posting any pictures? It would be great to see some of the things you have described.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the great update. It brought a smile to my countenance as I know all the challenges of global traveling! how is the first series of training and games? I second the request for pictures!