The rain held off and Alums from the classes of '74-10 took the field against the 2011 Bobcats. Sherry Deschaine(Coach Yak) was on hand to coach the Alumnae team and led her squad to a respectable 1-2 result. Twelve alums, some of whom had showed up to see Coach Yak, but not planned on playing, were swept up in the moment and took the field anyway. The prize for percentage of participation went by the class of 2010 with 3 of 4 alums in attendance. Sema Kazarian, Annie Wilson and Zoe Donaldson all returned and looked like they hadn't taken more than a couple of months off. The next best class participation went to 2008 with Brynna Kelley, Erin Chandler and Lindsay Ferguson representing 3 of the 5 of their class.
Cindy Andrews'74, Sue Doliner'81 and Mary Rafterty '81 all managed to find some semblance of athletic wear and took the field. Kerry Coffin McQuaid was the lone alum representing the 1990's and acquitted her decade admirably- playing 28 of 30 minutes! Andrew Rahedi '03, who managed the squad for four years and was a practice player also made an appearance and along with Helena Turner'09 anchored the Alumnae defense.
All in all it was a great day and we hope that next year even more Alums will return to celebrate 45 years of Field hockey at Bates as well as honoring Sherry Deschaine's 25 years of coaching.
Photos and stats to come!
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